Taekwon-do brings together power & grace in an exciting and fulfilling martial arts practice. It is a Korean art of unarmed combat for self defence, physical development, personal development, sport, fun and friendship. It’s roots stretch back over 1,000 years and with that it has positive philosophical teachings in addition to physical development. It is the most popular martial art in the world practiced by over 80 million people and offers people of differing ages and interests a multitude of benefits. It is a living art and although it remains true to its origins it is also evolving, improving and developing. For instance the adoption of the latest exercise science, application of techniques, use of equipment and applying modern coaching methods to enhance the core authentic teaching.
“TAE” literally translated from the Korean means: jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot, the use of feet in movement. “KWON” denotes "the fist or hand used to punch or strike” and “DO” means the “art of or the way of.”
73 Students
7 England Squad Members
28 Beginners to Black belts
15+ years in herefordshire
WARRIOR TAEKWON-DO HEREFORD is the only Taekwon-do academy in Herefordshire that is recognised by the world governing body for Taekwon-do, the ITF (International Taekwon-do Federation) with Plaque number 7114. The chief Instructor, Steve Fedor 6th Dan is a ITF European Gold Medalist, ITF World Silver medalist in patterns and ITF World Bronze medalist in sparring. He has been teaching for over 20 years. The classes in Hereford have taken many complete beginners to Black belt and produced several England squad members. The focus of the academy is to stay true to the authentic roots of Taekwon-do but at the same time use modern equipment and teaching techniques to make classes challenging and fun.
Warrior Academies go back to the authentic roots of martial arts, not only on the physical body, but also on developing students mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Warrior Taekwon-do works with an individual and helps them develop confidence, mental discipline, respect, physical fitness, co-ordination, positive mental attitude, life skills and leadership traits. High standards of excellence are maintained but times have changed and peoples fitness levels, available time to train, beliefs etc are different. Warrior Taekwon-do takes account all of this and makes personal development an enjoyable challenge, a gentle slope rather than a steep hill. There are never ending challenges but they are at an achievable pace for any age or level of fitness.
Taekwon-do can be likened to riding a bike in that you can cycle for leisure, health and enjoyment or you could be a Tour de France competitor. There are different levels of involvement and the same is true of Taekwon-do, you can practice for personal development, all round fitness, self defence, physical expression and fun or you can compete in the sport side of Taekwon-do. Your level of involvement is your choice. We have developed students that have started as beginners and gone on to represent England in international sporting competitions and we also have students that just want to feel more confident, fitter, stronger and achieve increased wellbeing in a safe, friendly and fun way. Taekwon-do can be practiced by all and age is not a barrier.

Please see below class times & events for the current month
Click on the event to reveal the address and other useful information

Indigo Warriors is a revolutionary activity program for boys and girls aged 5 to 8. It uses proven peak performance coaching techniques that top sports people and business leaders use to develop positive values, winning attitudes and key life skills. Children attend weekly classes. The classes use a combination of mental and physical development exercises, peaceful martial arts and games to inspire and motivate.
The culmination of the programme is to have developed every child’s confidence, self esteem, communication skills and leadership so that they are able to lead a class of 12-15 children, for 10 minutes, on their own.
We already have 6 year olds who when they started were shy about even saying their name and are now 12 months on are speaking with confidence and leading their peers to bow and do a series of exercises. They are developing towards the final life skills badge, LEADERSHIP. This sounds remarkable but is within the potential of every young child and this pro- gramme works to develop children into respectful, confident & compassionate leaders of tomorrow.
For more information on the Program, please contact me,
or for class times, please click here for more details.

Or call us on: 07801 541271